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Fostering authentic connections - learnings from working in frontline

Nikita Shah

As designers and storytellers that one thing we are constantly thriving to pursue - is connection. Connection with people, spaces, objects, and nature. In a way, we are constantly establishing a connection with life in entirety – which could be so relative and so subjective to every being. Creating a connection is about being able to have an organic moment of oneness and bridging a strong relationship that is real, optimistic, and considerate. While we live in a world, which is highly inter-connected where there is Building a connection that is meaningful and authentic means to tap into the driving force of an individual existence and to be able to establish engagements that are trustful, positive and well living.

Top 3 learnings from working as a frontline staff on bringing out the true virtue of connections:

Being exposed to people from all segments and stages in their lives, witnessing a wide spectrum of emotions some being the most vulnerable, confused and even helpless emotions, to seeing a total transformation towards the bright and confident side of things, revealed what is the real power of people and how as designers and problem solvers we need to connect to reality of human experiences on deepest level first before creating winning plan of actions with the number and followers game. Here are our top 3 learnings:

1. Performing the balancing act

As a frontline staff we need to practice empathy and detachment at the same time. When we are with a patient we need to think, act and respond in the most empathetic manner. But the minute we move way from that person we need cut their energy from ours to be able to serve the other patient with 100%.

While the concept of deep empathy holds the highest significance across all stages and forms of design and business solutioning. The eureka moment is in cusp of knowing and unknowing. Optimal solutions are a balancing equation between Who? What? and Why?

Who is it for? What is it that needs to be solved? Why do we need to do it? Is constantly evolving journey and is very individual-centric.

2. Putting total awareness in action with an attitude of problem solving

When we are treating someone, we have to be in the moment with that person every minute. Be in total awareness, find the root cause of the pain and treating them utmost sincerity. There is a bond of utmost trust and solidity that is formed through the process of receiving information, gathering evidences, consolidating the findings and giving back a right solution with subject matter expertise. Awareness and attitude of problem solving transformed human lives and can transform how designers and business leaders interact with, learn from, and co-create with our customers.

Human experiences are underlining base that we as designers and business experts work to enhance. To be in complete connection, without any judgements attached and in totality moment to moment through the journey mapping can solidify stable and improved outcomes. With businesses operating on global scales, overload of information, constant access to modes of communication and virtual chatrooms, many a times what is important gets lost. Having a firm, clear and positive intent towards the overall objective to make things a success. It requires a constant practise of mindfulness, self-awareness, people awareness, and world awareness and, knowing how to listen and how to express.

3. Humans are the most sentients and sentimental beings.

Seeing patients from all walks for lives from someone with a minor ailment to people chronic illness, living in and out of their death zone, where everyday is a process to “just feel fine”. Witnessing their family and support systems through their journey, and the lives it can impact. Human emotions are the essence of life carving our curves of boons and consequences. In my own experience, I have learnt that:

It’s not life that makes us large. It’s the moments that we embrace our life with makes us large.

- Moments of celebrations

- Moments of nostalgia

- Moments of achievements

And being able to share it and embrace it with someone near and dear brings a sense of abundance within us that etches as a special memory in our minds. Authenticity and meaningful connections are sum total of many aha moments that can bring a cheer to a human face and make one to feel the best.

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